I love changing the theme on my blog. It makes it so stylish & personal. I have found these awesome people who make {free} templates..
If you are looking for new & free awesome blogger templates- this is the post you should be reading.
1. LeeLou Blogs offers free & custom blog templates..
Here are some samples of her {free} work:
She has many more. head on over…
2. Hot Bliggity Blog
Here are some samples..
3. BlogSkins
here are some samples:
4. BloggerTemplatesFree
7. Candy’s Templates
8. Almost Ready Blog
9. Ashley’s Blog Layouts
10. Yummy Lolly
Head on over & get yourself a new look. But don’t forget to post the url to your blog so I can check it out. ♥ Jess
Those templates are great! Thanks for voting for CarolineAlexander in the startup nation contect, we really apprecilate it. I love your blog and I am a new follower.