I wasn’t able to blog for all of 2011. There were some deaths in my family that affected me fiercely.
My grandmother on my mom’s side passed away in February, 4 days after my daughters second Birthday. She was diagnosed with Brain Cancer in November 2010. The doctors gave her 6 months to 3 years, and she passed away in 3 months. She was my best friend, and I was sad to see her go. I am still halfway dealing with the grief of not seeing her everyday.
It has been a weird year without her making my kids smile and laugh, without her at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
But I know that she was an angel on Earth, so there is no doubt in my mind that she is watching over us..
I really wish I had this sweatshirt
and I am thinking about getting a tattoo like this one, although, mine will have the gray ribbon instead of pink. I have no tattoo’s, so this will be my first {If I get it}
If you aren’t sure about all the colors..
On the other hand, 2011 has brought me many loving memories with my kids and hubby. The kids are getting so big. I was looking at past pictures and I was astonished at how they looked at the beginning of 2011, to now.
Already I have gained more followers than I was thinking I would, so I am excited about what 2012 has to bring.