I don’t know why but I drink WAY too much coffee. I like the taste, the warmth, and the energy. Having two kids under 6 and a 9 year old step son makes me want to be ON the go all the time.
It all caught up with me too quickly though. I actually FELT my body begging for more water. PLEASE it said.. enough with the caffeine- WE are dehydrated.. both YOU and I.
I was getting frequent headaches and was tired no matter HOW much coffee I was consuming. I was drinking water, but not enough to actually MEAN something to my body.
To top it off, I have a very high metabolism. So running around doing errands, running after kids, and keeping the house in order as well as working was leaving me exhausted as well. JUST water wasn’t helping put those essential nutrients back into my body that I was losing.
As a mom, I felt like it was my duty not only to drink more water to keep me healthy—but to SHOW my kids the right way to be. Adisyn loves water, but Aidan didn’t care for it.

So when I got a chance to review Omega Infusion Water I was all for it. Omega-3’s are VERY essential to the body, but the body doesn’t produce them. They are shown to reduce heart problems!! They can be found in fish or krill oils, but why not drink some water to go with it?
Omega Infusion Water is available in four flavors (citrus, fruit punch, berry and orange) and all of them are calorie FREE! YES—absolutely NO calories!
I really liked all of these waters, the yellow one WAS a bit tangy—but I can deal with it. I thought at first they might taste a little weird because one of the ingredients IS fish oil.. but I couldn’t detect anything like fish at all.
They ARE one of the most delicious flavored waters I have EVER tried. There’s only one other that I like—the others taste VERY bad. They taste like watered down fruit juice, but these didn’t.

They also sent me an Infusion Shot. This of course is a straight shot of Omega 3’s. With the water there is more liquid.. this is straight up. ach small 2 ounce bottle is 1 serving and has 250mg of Omega-3s EPA/DHA. I did find it a bit tangy, but again.. I can definitely take the tanginess.
If you’ve ever taken a 5 hour energy shot—this compares in taste to it. Instead of downing a shot of TONS of chemicals though, this is all natural.
For more information about Omega Infusion Water:
- you can visit their website,
- check out their Facebook page,
- or contact them on Twitter.

Jessica Renee