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Pumpkins are deceiving. The orange gourds look so rough and tough, but they’re actually rather delicate.
The rind is the only protection a pumpkin has, agriculture experts say. Once the rind is bruised or pierced, organisms will invade and quickly eat away at the pumpkin. That’s frightening. Given their fragile nature, pumpkins must be stored properly.
Growers are advised to store pumpkins on wooden pallets in cool, dry places. Pumpkins aren’t supposed to be put on concrete floors, and they’re not supposed to touch each other. The ideal storage temperature is roughly 50 degrees to 60 degrees, with relative humidity at 50 percent to 70 percent.
Fun Pumpkin Facts:
- 6 out of the 7 continents can produce pumpkins, which includes Alaska. Brr.. The only continent the pumpkin can’t flourish in is Antarctica.
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- A 5 foot wide pumpkin pie weighing in at 350 pounds? Can you imagine that? That is how big the world’s largest pumpkin is.
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- What about the World’s Largest Pumpkin ever grown? 2032 pounds and
Hope you enjoyed learning about Pumpkins!
Until next time,