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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Writing 101: 6 Websites to Inspire

websites that inspire

As writers there are times when all of us have reached a “blah” moment. A moment when we want the words to flow, but they just won’t! No matter how much we try, there’s this fogginess of unknowing. What to say? Creation is completely blocked and you need to find a way out.

Here are some websites that might help you shake off that cloudy funk.

image is where the writers hang, or some of them at least. You can sign up for a free account, which takes about 5 minutes at most. It gives you access to tons of stuff that most writers need (and want). Everything you see below is what they help you with. If you ever plan on getting that writing off the ground, I suggest you bookmark this site!


You have the option of getting a weekly newsletter that will help you with creative writing prompts. You don’t have to sign up, although you should. You can even get character and writing prompt apps for smartphones and tablets. How convenient.


If you ever get yourself in a slump has a ton of facts and quotes to get your mind spinning. It might just spin the web of words that you need and are looking for. It’s a fun site just to browse around in. I found some very awesome stuff in there, such as The Yiddish Handbook, Writing Prompts 101, and 34 Tips to Write Better.

This is another site that you definitely need to save!


The Write Practice


The key to becoming good at anything is the practice. Practice, practice, practice! Practice makes perfect, isn’t what they say? Whatever your writing dilemma, this website covers it. They have a newsletter too.

They also have an ebook (chapters shown in the picture above). It’s called 14 Prompts.

14 Prompts is a short eBook full of fourteen unusual writing prompts designed to both inspire you to write and teach you a few practical techniques to improve your writing.




I use this site frequently. I absolutely love it. It lets me search through the entire web world and land on stuff that I like. I can search “” and it will take me only to  filled websites. If you have google chrome installed, there is a stumbleupon toolbar in the google web store that is PERFECT for those days you need some mental inspiration!




The websites name describes it perfectly. It’s a website with a crap load of numbers. You hover over the numbers and each prompt is numbered. I love this idea! The prompts aren’t only a great way to get your brain flowing, but they’d be great journal entries.

The prompts are all different. Some stories ask you about your past, while some stories you make up on your own. So, it’s a mix between fiction and nonfiction and is AMAZING!!


Bloggy Moms Blog Dare Challenge


If you are looking for a way to spice up your blog, the Blog Dare is an amazing way to do it. It’s basically a daily writing prompt to get your juices flowing. This is BY FAR one of the best prompt websites out there. You don’t necessarily HAVE to participate to see the prompts, but it’s a great way to meet other bloggers!


Hope you find something that helps!

Found something amazing? Leave it in a comment!



Saturday, August 2, 2014

Homework Help 101: 8 Websites for Getting Help #BacktoSchool

School is starting back next week for us. I can’t believe summer is already almost over, it’s flown by that’s for sure. What about when you have kids that need motivation or help with their school work?

I’ve complied a list of some pretty amazing websites that you’ll want to bookmark. These will probably save your sanity a little (you can thank me later, lol). I’ve tried to cover anything they may need help with.




The Keybr website is a web application that will help you learn touch typing. Touch typing is the ability to type without needing to look at the keys. If this is a kill that you haven’t mastered yet, this website is perfect for you. It will help you improve your typing speed and accuracy!




Spreeder Ii s a website dedicated to helping you learn how to speed read. Most people can only read as fast as they speak, which is how they learn in school. This website helps  you break that cycle. You’ll be speed reading in absolutely no time at all. Give it a try.




Having trouble with the period table? Don’t worry, me too. Ptable is basically an interactive table of elements. Every single element is clickable. When you click on it a box filled with information about that element pops up. How awesome!


Anything and everything that you need to know about any element EVER! How is that for helping? I wish I’d had this when I was in high school.




English was always my favorite subject in school (obviously), I loved writing but wasn’t so great at rhyming. One website I wish I had is Rhymer. The Rhymer website is a free dictionary that list words that rhyme with the word you put in the box. Have a poem to write, Rhymer is totally there for you!




Have a stack of books that you don’t know what to do with? Looking for more books to read? Bored with the ones you already have? Ever thought about swapping them in? PaperBackSwap connects you with other people who would like to swap their books! There are SO many amazing books just waiting for you! Enjoy trading Hardbacks, Audio Books, Textbooks and more



Struggling with math? This website CoolMath4U covers everything from addition to fractals. The websites make a game out of math that way it’s more interactive. When a kid is given a fun learning option, it makes them actually want to do it. PLUS, they remember better!

For Older Kids you can visit the CoolMath sister website.




Researching and writing a paper can be very difficult. Not the actual writing part, but making sure none of the words are plagiarized and everything is cited correctly is an entirely different story. If you aren’t that great at grammar, getting everything just so could also be a challenge. WriteCheck will check both!



When you go online to search for something do you keep finding yourself wasting time? YES, I’m talking to you.. Do you end up on Facebook and Youtube? The KeepMeOut website is designed to keep you away from all those sites that waste your time for however long you tell it too. It will warn you if you’ve visited those sites too many times.! Back to work! Now! lol


I hope this helps you (and your sanity) out. I will be adding to this through the year.. so keep check! Have any awesome sites you’d like to see on the list?



Friday, August 1, 2014

Blog 101: Nofollow vs. Follow Links & Why it Matters


The new SEO has probably got you running around in circles, grabbing your hair. Chasing your tail and wondering what you’re doing. You’re probably thinking… what’s the difference? Why does it matter so much? How do I nofollow? Ugh.. frustrating, right?

Not any more! I’d been reading up on this ever since my PR flanked and dropped completely to a 0. I was completely astonished. I had been blogging for about 5 years and had over 1500 posts. I was stunned. I had went from a 3 to a 0! Holy Crap! I know.

SEO & All That

To be able to explain to you what the follow/nofollow links mean and how they work, I have to explain some SEO stuff to you.

When a site gets a link (link pointing to that web page) (from any website EVER) it gets a tiny PR boost. Each link that is sent to your website equals a higher PR rating. Think of it as a vote. Each site that links to you is a vote. Many votes=King (Well Queen, right?) of the web space (oh, and a higher ranking in Google Search Engines).

Google can see how many links you have and from what websites. Google thinks in the term of “if many people are linking to a site, it has to be a pretty popular website”.  So more links= higher popularity basically. Google only wants to give the best to its “searchers” so higher ranked websites show up first on a google search.

Say for instance you write a blog post on “20 Healthy Hair Tips.” Someone searches “healthy hair tips” and their results show. If you have a higher ranked blog, you’ll show up before a lower ranked blog would.

Follow Links

NOW, onto the actual links and what they mean. A follow link is a link that counts as a “vote” in your Search Engine popularity. If someone writes a blog post and includes a follow link to your “20 Healthy Hair Tips”, you’ll get a “vote.” PR ranking is also upped.

NoFollow Links

A Nofollow link is still a link placed to a website, it doesn’t doesn’t count as a “vote.” This link does not in NO way boost PR ranking.


*A no follow link is created with the nofollow link HTML tag, which looks like this:

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Link Text</a>


The Nofollow tag basically tells googles web crawlers that you don’t want to place a “vote” for this particular website.

You cannot have too many nofollow links because Google will think you’re being paid for links. Then they will mark your website or blog as spammy and pull your Page Rank. So make sure you watch which websites and links you give your “vote” to.

This nofollow tag keeps spammers from blackballing the smaller guys by buying links from everybody and artificially boosting their PR. Like those pesky people who bombard online community boards and blogs with links trying to sneak in some SEO pull. No more of that.

Now there isn’t any worry that there will be 100s of nonsense posts posted everywhere. It isn’t going to get them anywhere anyway, so why waste their time?

When to USE Nofollow

  • Paid links (it wouldn’t be honest and fair to buy votes, now would it?)
  • Comments
  • Forums

Don’t think that Nofollows are completely worthless though. Even if someone gives you a nofollow link in their blog or post, it will still send traffic to your blog.

Don’t think about SEO when you’re writing. Think about bonding with the people who are reading your blog and building your brand.

SO- just make sure if you write a sponsored post or receive a review item (even if it’s an ebook) you have to make sure to add the nofollow link. Google has crawlers searching websites looking for links out of place (randomly inserted with no content to back the link up) and paid content.

Better to be safe than sorry they say. I know- because I started blogging BEFORE the nofollow tag and have to scour my blog and add in nofollow links to almost all my old posts. I know. Great. lol

Just another thing on the to-list I guess.


Til next time,



6 Creepiest Places on Earth


There are places in this world that are far more scary than anything you could ever watch on a movie. These places are probably the main source of thinking for some of those horror films, I’m sure. I mean.. there are places that just make you SHUDDER at the sheer thought of EVER having to step foot there. Am I right?

Creepiness might not mean the SAME definition to all of us, but we can all agree that the places listed below are just MORE than strange.


1. Aokigahara Suicide Forest 



Aokigahara Forest is also known as Suicide Forest and labeled “the perfect place to die”. It lies at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan and is extremely dense without hardly any wildlife whatsoever. It’s known for being exceptionally quiet and spooky.


This forest is well known in Japanese mythology to have demons. There have been approximately 100 suicides in the forest each year. So many that Japanese officials have put signs up that say “think of your family” and “please seek help”.


Yearly searches have been conducted for bodies since 1970, the highest body count was in 2003 at 103. How creepy is that? Yearly searches looking for people who have gone into the forest to hang themselves or overdose. Dead Bodies. EVERYWHERE. Jeez.

This started as far back as the 1950’s. Japanese spiritualists think that the spirits of those who committed suicide here live in the trees. So when people wander in, the spirits keep them from EVER coming back out.  That isn’t even counting that the forest is supposedly haunted by those who have died there. Even creepier.

The worst part is that the forest workers have to pack these decomposing bodies down the hill to the station. The bodies are then placed in a room specifically for those who have committed suicide. THEN to make it worse one of the forest workers must SLEEP in the room with the body.

The Japanese think that it’s bad luck for the ghost of the deceased to stay alone. If they ARE left alone, they say the soul screams and the body moves by itself. Don’t think I’ll be going there anytime soon.. lol.


2. Catacombs of Paris


pic source

17th and 18th century Paris wasn’t really the picture of healthy living. There were so many dead bodies in the cemetery that the decomposition was flowing into the water supply. YES.. you can guess how unbelievably gross that is. Drinking dead body juice. eww.


pic source

So to keep Paris healthy and sanitation free the Catacombs of Paris was created. It is an underground ossuary that holds the bodies of about six million people. That is A LOT of bodies, sheesh. As you can see they are stacked very neatly on top of each other. I’m glad I didn’t have to help build it, I’d be throwing up from fear.


3. Hellingly Asylum (Hellingly Hospital)


pic source

Hellingly Hospital is formerly known as the East Sussex County Asylum. It was a large psychiatric hospital close to the village of Hellingly. We aren’t just talking about a building, they built an entire community that was basically self-contained. They even had their own railway to bring patients in and out, and to deliver supplies.


pic source

Once a state of the art mental institution, Hellingly was 63 acres of pure creepiness. It wasn’t abandoned until about 1994, but since then it’s slid into total destruction. WITH the help of vandals, but it looks extremely hellish.

And if there ARE ghosts who roam this planet, I would imagine the worst place to run into one would be at an abandoned mental hospital. Yea, meeting some off-their-rocker psychotic mess who might be seeking revenge.. now there’s somewhere to plan visiting in the dark! <Yea right!

There’s NO way I’d ever stay a night in there by myself. NOT even for a million bucks. People mentally disturbed turned into ghosts? No thanks! Oh and did I mention they had an entire nursery? Ghost babies… I’ll pass.

There are tons of personal stories about the hospital here


4. Isla de las Munecas



Isla de las Munecas, or Island of the Dolls is located in a swamp just south of Mexico City. This is a tourist attraction that was never meant to be one. This Island is the home to hundreds of creepy little dolls. The caretaker of the Island, Don Julian Santana Barrera is the reason behind these dolls.


This Island and the dolls are dedicated to a little girl that lost her life due to mysterious circumstances surrounding a drowning. Don (the caretaker) found the little girl drowned, then a little later found the floating doll. He hung the doll in a tree as dedication to the girl.

He was very troubled by the fact that he couldn’t save the girls life. He started hanging more and more dolls.. a total of almost 50 years. Julian was said to be found drowned exactly in the same spot the little girl was.. extremely weird!


These dolls even look horrendous in the daylight, I’d hate to see this place in the dark. The dolls are randomly placed in trees, hanging. Some of these dolls have no arms & legs, some are decapitated, and creepy little eyes.

They say the dolls are possessed by her spirit. There have been witnesses that claim some very strange things. Some say they seen the dolls move while others heard them whispering. And even stranger “the dolls tried to lure us in”..

I’ll skip this one too.

Read more about the Island of the Dolls here


5. Actun Tunichil Muknal (Cave of the Crystal Sepulchre)



This is a cave in Belize that just creeps me out. When you watch the Mummy or Indiana Jones and you see skeletons strategically placed.. that’s what this cave looks like. There are more than several skeleton bodies scattered around in there.

The picture above is a skeleton inside the cave whom is called “The Crystal Maiden.” This is a skeleton of a young teenage girl who was possibly a sacrifice victim. Her bones have been calcified and they look sparkling and crystallized.

This cave is known to be a sacrifice spot for the Mayans, so bad juju is possibly everywhere. Sacrificing children make it even creepier. There’s no way I’d visit this place. No way! It wasn’t discovered until 1989, and was viewable by the public by 1998. They give tours through the cave. Nope. Not this girl.


6.The Sedlec Ossuary-Church of Bones


Can  you imagine what it would be like to walk into a “church” made of 40,000 peoples bones? Yes, bones. No, I’m not kidding. The Sedlac Ossuary is also known as the Church of Bones, and probably one of the weirdest things ever. It is located in the Czech Republic.


The inside of this medieval gothic style church is decorated with the bones of 40,000 people, They even have a giant chandelier made out of human bones, which is creepy. I think I’ll keep far away from here.. but they do offer tours if YOU are interested.

Have you ever visited any creepy places? Was it creepier than you thought?




Wednesday, July 30, 2014

3 DIY Summer Foot Scrubs #Summer #DIY

DIY Foot scrub

Can you believe the summer heat this year? It has been overwhelmingly humid here, and the flip flops and sandals have long been brought out. Perfect for holing up at the beach. Flaunting those toes now are we? Summer can also bring sweaty feet, so here are some foot scrubs that will help you kick the heat.


What about this Snow cone sugar scrub? What about this doesn’t speak summer to you? Reminds me of chasing the Ice Cream truck down the street when I was a kid. I love the frosty icy look that this scrub gives off. I also love how it looks layered just like a snow cone! Looks good enough to eat, doesn’t it?

Coconut is very moisturizing especially for the feet. (You can even add a dab of pure coconut on the cuticles of your toes!) Not only will it help soothen the rough edges that come naturally in the summer, but it helps prevent athletes foot.

Give your feet the nourishment it needs with this amazing Homemade Coconut Oil Foot Scrub


The Coffee & Banana Foot Scrub doesn’t require very much at all. Coffee grounds, olive oil, kosher salt, and a 1/2 a banana. The banana naturally nourishes and moisturizes the feet while the coffee grounds make an exfoliation to get all that dead/dry skin off.

Looking for something that not only makes you feet look amazing but your bathroom too? This easy sugar scrub flowers looks amazing and isn’t very hard to make! You get to choose which colorant you put it in, so just think of the beautiful possibilities. Just think.. these would make amazing gift basket inserts!


What’s your worst summer foot dilemma?


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

11 Back-to-School Headbands & Hair Clips #DIY #Headbands


School is almost here and Adisyn could really use some headbands and clips. I was searching through Pinterest and seen some very VERY cute headbands. You can always go out and buy them, but making them by hand adds something special to the meaning for me!

Keeping her hair out of her face while she learns and plays at school never looked so good. I am loving the options of headbands, bows, and clips that are available. What reason is there to NOT make some of this goodness? Open-mouthed smile

The first headband I came across was the Heart Headwrap  is just so adorable. It’s simple yet so beautiful. Easy to make and a very quick project. You could make this in every color and clip on little bows. How cute!


Image Source:

The second headband is the thread headband. I love that this is also easy. The pattern is easy to follow and has step-by-step instructions on how to make it. I love that they also have the pattern for the flower. It’s a great way to contrast color and make it unique.


Image Source:

The third headband is very easy to make, yet very pretty. The Button Flower Headband doesn’t a ton of time to make (so you have time to make Great way to add some splashes of color to their outfits! Any color combination you want, right here!


If you are looking for a very versatile headband that isn’t very hard to make, the Double Sided Headband would be great.


I am loving all the bright colored fabric, absolutely beautiful. You can also create patchwork pieced headbands out of this pattern. It does require using a sewing machine, so if you don’t have one—you might skip ahead.

I am all for repurposed t-shirts, especially with this 5 strand braided headband. What better way to get ALL the use out of them that you can. Especially if there is a tiny stain or rip that you can’t fix. These are also perfect because they are stretchy and very comfortable to wear. Also the fact that you can clip on any color hair bow to the top and make it unique. Switch it up~!


If you’re looking for something easy and quick, you should definitely give this 3 minute headband a try. All you really need is a headband and some felt. You could probably use some spray starch and use fabric instead of felt to make it even cuter.


The DIY headband below can be made for anybody, not just babies. She shows you how to measure the length, depending on who you are making it for. This would be cute in a variety of colors as well. Great for sending her back to school in style.


The Sugar Bee Website has an amazing knotted t-shit headband . It’s very easy and the sewing that is done, can be done by hand if you don’t have a sewing machine. It would be stronger of a hold if you had a machine to use, though.


For another easy, cheap, and quick headband there’s the braided bead headband. You don’t necessarily have to use the materials that are required in this. Just choose 3 different texture of materials and wrap them together. Looks pretty cool!


These DIY Flower Hair Bows below are SUPER cheap. Less than $.50 a piece and can be clipped on or hot-glued to any hairband! I love the added button too~ ! Mix it up with contrasting colors, or add buttons that have designs on them!


No little girls hair collection is complete without the all famous diy chanel inspired bow. I love the deep chocolate mixed with the gold, but you can add any color combination to make this a stand-out!




AND.. you can’t have all those pretty bows and headbands without having something to put on them, now can ya? I seen this DIY HeadBand Holder that is just simply beautiful! Also adds a little flair. You could definitely use whatever fabric matches your bathroom or her bedroom. Heck, while you’re at it, you could whip yourself one up too!


Hope you find something you like!




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