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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Giveaway: Coach Purse

jenns blah blah blog coach handbag giveaway

  Welcome to the Monthly Coach Handbag Fan Appreciation Giveaway!

Jenns Blah Blah Blog and all her amazing blogging buddies have come together to give you a chance to win one of the four handbags shown in the giveaway image! Before we get started I wanted to be sure and say thank you to the following bloggers, they are amazing and we love each and every one of them! This giveaway is hosted and sponsored by us (Jenns Blah Blah Blog), and co-hosted by  Just Free Stuff, Coupon Hauls, Pink Ninja Media, Pink Ninja Blogger, Everything Mommyhood, Barefoot in Bluejeans, Mama Mission, Thrifty 4NSIC Gal, Bay Area Mommy, Momma Lew, Budget Earth, Powered By Mom and all the other amazing bloggers who are helping promote this giveaway!  Every single month we team up for this awesome giveaway for our readers!  We want to say thank you for everything you do for us, every single day!  We wouldn't be able to have these great blogs if we didn't have our amazing readership, the heart of it all.   NOW, WHO'S READY FOR THE GIVEAWAY!   Since Jenns Blah Blah Blog started doing her monthly handbag giveaway she has started a nice collection of handbags.  Rather than choosing the bag for you, we want you to choose the one that fits you and your style!  WINNER PICKS from Jenns Blah Blah Blogs collection of Coach handbags.  Once winner has been confirmed Jenn will email them images of all the handbag she has on hand. All Coach handbags are brand new still in packaging some of them can be seen in the giveaway image.  coach giveawayOne very lucky person will win their choice of handbag from Jenns Blah Blah Blog's collection.  The giveaway will run until 11/27/2014 at 11:59pm EST, is open worldwide, must be 18 + to enter, and use the Giveaway Tools widget below. Good Luck!
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Jenns Blah Blah Blog reserves the right to make revisions to cancel or suspend this contest for any reason. Jenns Blah Blah Blog will not be responsible for shipping the prize. This event is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest, or any other social media network. Social media networks are not responsible for prize fulfillment. We were not compensated in any way for this giveaway. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to winning email send from before another winner will be drawn. Question or comments can be sent to Giveaway is open to Worldwide, no purchase needed to enter, must be at least 18 years old Void in Puerto Rico and where restricted or prohibited by law. Winner will be selected using
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Disclosure: I have not been compensated for this post. All opinions and experiences are my own. Open Worldwide, must be 18+. Confirmed Winner(s) will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond before a new winner will be drawn. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. The sponsor(s), Jenns Blah Blah Blog will be responsible for prize fulfillment. My blog is not responsible for prize fulfillment. The sponsor of this event will be responsible for fulfillment of prize (Jenns Blah Blah Blog). This event is in no way associated with, sponsored, administered, or endorsed by Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest or any other social media network. The disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. For questions, or to have your brand features contact Jenn via

Good Luck,


Friday, October 24, 2014

6 Learning Shows to Stream Via Netflix For Your Kids

  6 netflix shows
What do you do when it’s raining and the kids have read every book in the house and are looking for something to do. Something constructive, something to boost those brain cells when they are stuck inside because of the weather. How about streaming a learning show?

One of my favorite shows when I was little was the Magic School Bus. Actually, to be honest I still love it. I don’t mind watching cartoons all that much, as long as it doesn’t require grown men dancing in giant weird animal-like suits or screeching voices, I’m fine.

Netflix offers more than just your average run of the mill reality or drama shows, they also offer educational shows like Sesame Street and the Magic School Bus. Here are some shows you should consider streaming next time the kids holler they’re “bored”.

(This list was gathered by and they asked me to share- to of which I replied absolutely.. I mean- who doesn’t want to add in something extra for their kids to learn from.)

In an effort to prove there's more to their original program than women's prison and Kevin Spacey speaking directly into the camera in a light, Southern accent, Netflix recently announced a plan to reboot '90s-kids-book-series-turned-TV-series Magic School Bus for a new generation of kiddos.
To hold your kids over until the computer animated show reboot debuts in 2016, Noodle a company that provides advice on education decisions, rounded up six great educational and kid-appropriate TV shows and movies currently available to stream on Netflix that are quick fixes to any rainy day home with the kiddos.

1. The Blue Planet (2001)
                               Wikipedia: Image taken from DVD cover

A huge, high-quality undertaking from the folks at BBC, the eight-episode series The Blue Planet is one of those documentaries worth buying an HDMI cable and hooking a computer up the big screen for.
This exploration of planet earth's vast seas is plenty educational, tracking the amazing life of everything from coral reefs to frozen Antarctic life, with an emphasis on the interconnectedness of everything. The series was notably a precursor to the crazy popular, Oprah-approved Planet Earth series, making it a great watch for curious, science-minded kids.

2. Chops (2007)
                        Source: taken from Movie Poster

Chops is a great watch for kids who love music, and in particular, kids who are already passionate about an instrument.

The inspiring 2007 documentary stresses the payoff of working towards perfection as it follows a Jacksonville, Florida jazz band attempting to win top honors at the world class Essentially Ellington Festival at Lincoln Center. Jazz legend Wynton Marsalis, the artistic director of Jazz at Lincoln Center, also makes an appearance.

3. The Magic School Bus (1994-1997)
magic school
                                  Image Source:

The original animated Magic School Bus series is an easy sell to kids based on premise alone: What if, instead of repeated field trips to your mediocre local museum and awkward old-timey reenactment villages, you could go to space, hang out with dinosaurs, and shrink down to the point where ants were terrifyingly human-sized?

Therein lies the appeal of Magic School Bus, which currently has all four of its educational, space and time traversing original seasons available on Netflix.

4. Sesame Street (2006-2011)
Image Source:

The indisputable king of family-friendly educational entertainment currently has episodes between 2006-2011 available to stream on Netflix.

Your kids can expect songs on the joy of cookies, culture references way out of their reach; celebrities like Neil Patrick Harris showing up as someone named the "Shoe Fairy," and a lot more. I mean, I don't really need to sell the joys of Sesame Street to you, do I?

5. Turtle: The Incredible Journey (2011)
                 Image Source: (taken from Movie cover)

Like March of the Penguins, Turtle: The Incredible Journey is one of those film reminders of how incredible animals are, how tough they have it, and how us human folk tend to make things even tougher.

This warm water tale chronicles the journey of a female loggerhead as she battles the odds to survive a trying 25-year trek from a Florida beach to Africa and back to lay her eggs that only one in ten thousand turtles survives. It's also available on Hulu.

6. Walking with Dinosaurs (1999)
              Image Source:

This six-part BBC-produced award-winning documentary is a perfect, kid-friendly and educational way to quench your kid's insatiable love of all things big, loud, and vaguely reptilian.

While the CGI — top notch when the series was released in 1999 — might look a little dated now, the series still gets high marks for its quality and narrative style, which brings the action to life by following the stories of individual dinosaurs and dinosaur families, and not treating them as ancient history.

For more Noodlings and education related advice from Noodle, check out


Unforgettable Moments & Me

opening my soul2


My life consists of writing, writing, and writing some more. As I was looking back through my old blog posts, I realized one thing. I wasn’t actually sharing that much of myself. When I started blogging back in 2009, I wanted to share ME, my thoughts, my likes, my family.

I wanted to meet like minded moms who shared the same interests as I did. I quickly lost my way. I was trying to gain knowledge of how to blog, how to design blogs, and how to get my blog name out in the world. I quickly lost my sense of self.


Sure, I was writing in my own voice- but they weren’t posts about anything I started writing about. I started blogging as a DIY adventure. I love making things. I taught myself how to sew, crochet, digi scrap, and so much more. Give me a book and some tools and I can accomplish just about anything (well except for drawing and painting, I’m totally useless there).


I also taught myself how to design my blog in both html and pretty colors. The layout and design you see floating all around you? I did that myself. I had to teach myself everything because I didn’t (and don’t) have the money to pay someone else to do stuff for me.


I also LOVE to read, but half the time I read the books so fast I don’t review them. Then I thought- my readers are really missing out. They aren’t getting to see these amazing books that fill up my time (when I’m not working, cleaning, or spending time with my family). Sure- I review DIY books, but I haven’t reviewed a nonfiction book in long while.

I just want to get to know ya’ll and for you to know me. I want to make friends, not more readers. I’m not saying I’m giving up the reviews or giveaways- just adding more “me and my time” posts.

I plan to teach you things that I’ve learned, share with you the things I build, and hopefully get you to share with me. I want this to be more of a community- not some place you check in to see the latest “product” or what you have a chance of winning.

I want you to keep coming back because you like the way I write. I want you to come back because I inspire you in some way. I want there to be more back and forth between us. I hope you’ll stand by me and my writing career and follow me down this adventure. I mean, I want it to be ME, MY blog.. not something you can read anywhere. I want to stand out and show you who is behind all this hard work.

So for starters, I am joining in on the Blogher NaBloPoMo Monthly Writing Prompts & try my best to join some blog hops. There aren’t many days left in this month (I mean, time has flown by), but if you would like to join me- you can find the October 2014 Writing Prompt list here.


Friday, October 24, 2014 (Prompt)
If babyhood is spring and young adulthood is summer, which age do you consider to be the start to the "autumn" of life?



I would consider autumn to be the “middle ages” most likely if young adulthood is summer. Middle Ages would be from about 30-45. Although she just turned 47 (shhh). I am in the yound adulthood stage so I’m considered summer. Yay me. Warmth, shorts, tans, and flip-flops.

She gets the more seasoned- cooler, crackling leaves, changing seasons phase. It’s hard to sit back and think about life and those around you getting older. I have lost so many people that were important to me that I despise time.

Don’t you wish you could rewind time? Take all those years back and just cherish the hell out of them? I look at my kids and think “where did the time go?” One day they are toddling around your living room, making you cringe when they stumble as they try to walk- the next they are in elementary school bringing home A.R. books to read.

I try not to take any day for granted, because I know that it is irreplaceable. Something I can never get back. Even those days where I have so much to do my head spins in circles. Laundry, dishes, sweeping, working, the kids, and everything. We get so caught up in the day-to-day that we fail to stop and look at every moment.

If there were a time in your life that you could jump back to and hold someone you lost, witness something important you missed, or just to go back and tell yourself something for the future—what would you choose?

         (You can Post in comments or write blog post and leave link in comments)

I would go back to when my kids were small and start all over. There are just so many places I wish I could have afforded to take them. Museums, zoos, theme parks. As a young mom, it was hard to get on my feet financially, so I didn’t really get the chance to do this!

That’s all for now—until next time.



Mineral Fusion: Vintage Pearl Nail Polish

vintage pearl
diclosure-review giveaway

Mineral Fusion Nail Polishes are formulated with natural minerals and come in 61 gorgeously designed shades.
  • Free of formaldehyde, toluene, camphor and butyl phthalate
  • Custom; Extra thick brush for flawless application
A healthier alternative to traditional nail polish. Apply this long-lasting chip-resistant mineral nail polish formula flawlessly using our custom, extra-thick brush. Mineral Fusion Nail Polish is a toulene free nail polish and like all of their cosmetics, upholds their standard for Formula Purity.

Vintage Pearl
vintage pearl2
  • Champagne frost with an opalescent finish
I don’t usually go for pearl finishes, but the Mineral Fusion Vintage Pearl hit the spot. It has such a classy, sophisticated, and flattering look. It’s a little on the sheer side, so 2-3 layers are a must. It gives such a glowing, bright, clean finish- how could I resist?

             vintage pearl3
This is a frothy, sheer white with that slight pink hue that makes it look like a real vintage pearl necklace that makes me love it so much. It is truly such a beautiful color. You don’t have to wear this with a suit or even a dress, make anything look classy with this polish. It is so simple yet so elegant, while matching any outfit beautifully.

All Mineral Fusion polishes seem to self level for me. I don’t have spots where there isn’t enough or there is too much- just even and flawless. The polish is definitely a standout, something different for me, truly one I love now. Depending on the layers you choose to put on- with one it is very sheer but with 2-3 it turns opaque, really impressive.

If you want to choose a light nail polish but don’t want to trek all the WAY white, this is perfect. The offset of the pink hue and the pearl finish takes the brightness away. Formula is amazing, and I absolutely love the shape and design of both the bottle and the brush. The brush spreads the coat evenly and not too thick (which I have a problem with when applying other nail polishes). PERFECT!


Connect with Mineral Fusion online:
Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest

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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Zabada Eco-Friendly Bathroom Glove & Marvel Cleaning Cloth

diclosure-review giveaway

When you clean your home, you naturally want it to be bacteria free right? Do you ever think about what chemicals the products you use to clean your home has inside them? Take a stand against all those nasty chemicals with Zabada. You don’t need anything other than the Zabada Bathroom Glove, Zabada Marvel Cleaning cloth, and water.

Yes, ONLY water. There’s no need for any chemical induced sprays or products. Add water to the mitt, wipe down the dirt, and dry with the cloth. It’s really that easy. Do you usually clean with paper towels? Think about how much money you will save by using the Zabada products. Not only the money, but think of how you’ll be helping the environment by NOT throwing away all those paper towels.

When I got the Zabada products, it came with instructions as to how to properly use them. You get them, wash them first, and then you can use them. Do not use bleach, fabric softeners, or harsh laundry detergents when washing them. You place them in a laundry bag, toss them in the washer in cold/warm water and tumble or air dry them. They don’t have to be washed after every use, so that’s awesome as well.


The Zabada Glove is a very unique design, it totally kicks other microfiber cleaning mitts to the curb. They couldn’t compare if they tried. I love that this isn’t just another boring mitt that’s just sitting around taking up space. Not only does it work 100% every single time, but it adds character because of the cute designs they have.

The glove is very easy to use- just wet the glove with water and roll the glove up to squeeze out the extra water. Wipe whatever it is that needs cleaning and then follow with drying with the Zabada cloth. Super easy. I was very impressed when they claimed that the Zabada mitt wouldn’t transfer dirt, even residue from makeup; lipstick, eyeliner..etc . I put it to the test, and wa-lah they were right on the money.

 20141022_231355 20141022_231311
 Excuse my appearance, lol. Long day of cleaning.. and removing wallpaper to re-do the house

It was amazing not having to use any elbow grease, just wiped it slightly and it was gone. I ran my fingers over the area after I wiped it, and there was absolutely no left over lipstick or eyeliner. NO streaks, residue, or anything. That wasn’t hard at all. The best part is there wasn’t even any fiber residue stuck to the mirror, WOW. This has made bathroom clean-up a breeze.

The cloth that comes with the glove is used to wipe up any moisture that the glove leaves behind. This is because bacteria WILL grow where moisture is present, so this cloth eliminates that moisture. No moisture, no bacteria. This cloth doesn’t leave behind any streaks or fibers either. Wiping the surface right after cleaning, will kill all bacteria that could potentially harm you and your family.


You don’t have to JUST use this in your bathroom (just make sure you wash it before you switch rooms). I have used it to clean the inside of my washer and dryer, as a duster *WOW, the dirt just clings to it*, and counter wipe-down after I wash dishes. Cleaning is super quick now, super easy, and doesn’t cost me and arm and a leg. With the additional benefits of not having to spend money on chemically induced cleaners or paper towels.

Zabada is the only complete cleaning system that’s scientifically-proven to:
Rid homes of 90% of harmful chemicals
Remove up to 99% bacteria
Clean faster with a simple wet and wipe
Last 2-3 years to save money
Outlast generic microfiber cloths that lose power after 20 washes
Reduce water consumption by 20%
Reduce energy by 30%
Reduce solid waste by 50%
Reduce air and surface pollutants
Lower potential health risks

About Zabada:
Zabada is crusading to rid homes, and the planet, of poisionous chemical cleaners. We’re taking a stand against chemicals that leave toxic residues and emissions for your skin to absorb and kids to breathe- chemicals known to poision and cause serious harm. We’re crusaders with integrity and a solution that’s scientfically proven to clean better, faster, and healtier. And joining our mission are millions of households across Europe and Austrailia who’ve already shed the HAZMAT suit and converted to chemical-free living with the Zabada system.

 To learn more about Zabada and their products, visit them on the Zabada Website & Follow them online:
Facebook & Twitter

Had you ever heard of Zabada before?
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Piper’s Perfumery Fragrance Mists

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Pipers Perfumery is a new fragrance line that recently launched in September 2014. They offer a collection of fragrance mists that are both romantic as well as whimsical, perfect for any time of the year. Every one of these fragrances are inspired by the “girl next door”, so they are all perfect for daily wear and are very lighthearted mists.

             piper f
There are seven breathtaking fragrance mists. Inspired by Piper, the easy-going girl next door who exudes confidence and beauty in the most non-threatening way, each fragrance transports the user into a particular mindset from carefree beach wanderer to a seductive date night. Be more than a girl, be Piper.  Piper is an attitude, a mindset and a lifestyle.

I love the design of the front of the bottles. Each fragrance has it’s own design that fits that scent to a T. I love fragrances- whether they be candles, wax melts, or perfume/sprays. I was excited to get to try these amazing mixtures. I’ve never been so amazed in my life with the blends of a body spray until now. These are truly unique and Pipers Perfumery certainly know what they are doing!

Love Spark
20141023_211741 piper love

Charming: Light a spark with this delightful blend of wild berries, peach blossoms, and sweet pea.

Top Notes: Wild berries, Red Apple, Melon Water
Middle Notes: Peach Blossom, Jasmine
Base Notes: Sweet Pea, Wild Rose, French Ozone

My Review

Out of the 4 fragrances I received, this one is my absolute favorite- Hands down. This is a light flirty scent, with the Sweet Pea, Wild Berries, and Peach Blossom being the most noticeable accents for me. The blend is fantastic and absolutely mouthwatering.

This is fruity, floral, and sensual. It isn’t overly IN YOUR FACE sweet or overpowering, which is what I love. People can’t smell me from a mile away, but if they lean in- they can get a whiff of the amazingness. The sweet succulent scent of Sweet Pea (which I have always LOVED) mixed with the melon water and wild rose just dazzles me.

I used to wear B&BW Sweet Pea until I got older and it ended up being overly sweet for my tastes. The berries & floral combination mixed with in this tones down the sweetness. This is more of a light floral fragrance more than sweet, so Jackpot for me!

Eye Candy
20141023_211731piper eye 

Luscious: All Eyes are on you with this sweet scent: A luscious combination of succulent strawberries, sugarcane, and whipped vanilla.

Top Notes: Sweet Strawberry, Raspberry
Middle Notes: Pink Macaroon, Cotton Candy, Sugar Cane
Base Notes: Whipped Vanilla Bean

My Review
“Eye Candy” is sweet, luring, and very feminine. This is a very distinct yet sexy smell. The fruit blends well with the sugar and cotton candy, yet it isn’t overly sweet. Most fragrances with cotton candy/sugar mix smell sickly sweet and very overpowering to the senses. This one isn’t like that at all. It’s very light, delicate, and yummy.

This is a magical, dreamy, gourmand scent. It is cozy, comforting, and brings memories of the county fair. It is fun, flirty, and simply amazing. This is also amazing for spraying on my bed sheets and linen, it smells so delicious. It isn’t cloying at all, and stays delightful all day. The fruit and vanilla take this over the top to amazing. I even let my daughter wear this to school.

It brings out the sweet tooth in everyone!

Delicate French Vanilla:
20141023_211754 piper mor
Elegant: Be decadent with the indulgent aroma of brown sugar delicately wrapped in rich vanilla crème.

Top Notes: Warm Vanilla, Sweet Orange
Middle Notes: Brown Sugar, Vanilla Orchid
Base Notes: Cedar Wood, Sweet Amber, Creamy Musk

My Review
This is a pretty, light, and non-foody smelling. Some vanilla fragrances and lotions have that vanilla extract/alcohol type smell, but this one doesn’t. I love that it isn’t too sweet smelling thanks to the Cedar Wood and Creamy Musk additives. It’s more like a soft, delicate, enticing smell of the blended Amber, Orange, and Brown Sugar.

This isn’t like any vanilla fragrance I’ve ever tried, which is a good thing. I usually wouldn’t pull towards something that smelled “musky” or had it even printed on the bottle. Don’t let it fool you though, it doesn’t smell musky. It’s a mellow, comforting smell that isn’t overpowering. It isn’t too strong and it lasts awhile. My mom absolutely LOVES this one. I love the delicate lace they have pictured on the front, fits this perfectly.

Moroccan Dream
piper mor 20141023_211804
Tropical: Escape to the tropics with the playful blend of exotic mango and juicy mandarin.

Top Notes: Exotic Mango, Tangerine Sugar, Pink Grapefruit
Middle Notes: Orange Hibiscus, Tropical Melon, Juicy Mandarin
Base Notes: Sunrise Vanilla, Malibu Musk, Sensual Woods

My Review
This is a floral, fruity fragrance that smells SO good. It has such an exotic smell, makes you think of sipping a margarita on a beach in Hawaii. This will definitely appeal to those who love the smell of exotic fruits.

This brings thoughts of summertime and happiness, feet in the water, just sitting back relaxing. This is sweet, crisp, and sensual all at the same time. This is uplifting, very feminine, and dries down to warm fruity flowery scent that lingers for hours. It isn’t overpowering and doesn’t have to be sprayed more than twice.

It is more fruity smell because of the amazing mixture of the mango, tangerine, grapefruit, mandarin, and melon- but the floral does shine through. It’s tropical without being tacky. The mango, orange hibiscus, and vanilla are the notes that shine through most for me. I love it!

piper one
($4.98 each at Wal-Mart and

They also have 3 others I didn’t receive:

· Sea salt & Rosewater: Top notes of Wild Freesia, Casaba Melon and Apple Blossom, lead into mid tones of Sea Salt Accord and Rosewater Jasmine, and end with dry notes of Driftwood and Musk.

· Naughty & Nice: Top notes of Sweet Mandarin and Cyclamen lead into mid tones of Sensual Jasmine, White Cedar and Sugared Amber Crystals, ending with dry notes of Creamy Sandalwood, Warm Vanilla Bean and Musk.

· Sheer Blue: Top notes of Crisp Apple, Bright Bergamot and Lemon Zest lead into mid tones of Bluebell, Sheer Jasmine and delicate Rose, ending with dry notes of White Amber, Blonde Woods and Musk.

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The Good Dog Book by Todd Kessler

             the good dog
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The Good Dog by Todd Kessler is an amazing book, written by Todd Kessler who is a co-creator of the popular show Blue Clues!

Ricky Lee was riding his bike down a hill when he spotted a box spilled over on the side of the road. He peeks inside and realizes to his amazement that there is a puppy inside. He brings the puppy home and claims him as his own, naming him Tako.

Ricky’s parents only had one condition if he keep Tako- that he must be a good dog. Tako was very thankful that he now had a forever home and tried his best to be a “good dog”. He loved the family for letting him have a chance, so tried to be on his best behavior. It’s hard to manage when you have other factors pulling you to be curious, but he continued to be a good dog.

The Lee Family owned a small bakery in the middle of town. They had competition though- Mr. Prichard. Mr. Prichard is a mean, nasty, greedy man who sells stale goods to make more money without being good to the customers. He gets mad when the Lee Family starts taking all his clients, because they were interested in their delicious home-baked goods.

Mr. Prichard starts being very rude- he breaks in the Lee’s bakery at night planting all kinds of nasty things. Bugs, rats, you name it- he plants it. Tako heard noises in the bakery and goes to check it out. He then has to make a very hard decision. Should he run Mr. Prichard off and then his family think Tako was being the trouble maker? He couldn’t just watch Mr. Prichard plant all those nasty things in the bakery, so he did what a real “good dog” would do and broke bad on Prichard.

We were rooting for Tako throughout the entire book. My kids knew that Tako was doing the right thing in the end, even if it meant standing up only for those he truly loved. We really enjoyed reading this book. The story is thoughtful, delightful to read, and delivers an amazing message. The illustrations are also top notch quality, we loved all the detail within the pictures!

About Todd Kessler:
Todd Kessler is the co-creator and show runner of the highly successful children’s television series “Blue’s Clues”. A signature of Todd’s work is that it has always been developed with the input of actual children (and sometimes dogs and cats too). His artistic and innovative creations have garnered him the prestigious Peabody Award, seven Emmy nominations, two Television Critics Association awards, five Parent’s Choice awards, first place in the children’s division of the Toronto International Film Festival, and a New York Film Festival Cine Golden Eagle. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife.

To learn more about Tako and his creator Todd, visit the website
and follow twitter, facebook, & pinterest
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